Hi-C will be re-releasing Ecto Cooler with the launch of the new Ghostbusters movie. The goal is to own the internet and build excitement around Ghostbusters and Ecto Cooler. 
Captialize on the nostalgia marketing trend by targeting Millennials who are engaging with
nostalgic 90’s social content. Partner with Sony Entertainment and the Ghostbusters’ movie to develop a campaign based on the iconic movie. 
In the first 3 weeks, Ecto Cooler has generated more than 378 million impressions and 24,600 expressions across broadcast, online and social media. Within the first hour of the Hi-C Ecto Cooler going live, the product sold out online. Within the first month of the social media campaign launch we have broken all of our goals and there is still more excitement to come with the Ghostbusters' movie launch on July 15th.